Some systems have a ‘lot of moving parts’ – e.g., a ‘system of systems’ that has multiple satellite constellations with multiple command centers, air breathing constellations with their command centers, multiple users making different types of requests (e.g., bandwidth, ISR data, etc.), ground based sensors, etc.  Designing such a system of systems to operate in an integrated fashion is a bit like designing and developing a jigsaw puzzle with multiple pieces.  It is just about impossible to design/develop a jigsaw puzzle from the bottom up – it should be designed from the top down starting with a panorama of the scope and then defining the piece’s ‘seams of responsibility’ along with model fidelity.

The BCSi System CONOPS and Requirements Environment (SCORE) is designed to address both single systems and system of systems.  More specifically, SCORE is a high fidelity simulation environment that supports both requirements/performance analysis and packet level CONOPS development for both single systems and a system of systems.  It can run in the batch mode for requirements/performance analysis and in real time user-in-the-loop mode for packet level CONOPS development – a necessity for systems that require allocation of limited resources.  Systems typically include ISR and communications networks with ground, air and space platforms.
